Mormon Wedding Ceremony. I wish I had it in writing what my pastor had said at the ceremony. Like all Mormon temple rituals these ceremonies are private and are never witnessed by non-members of the LDS church.

The endowment ceremonies include a ritualized washing and anointing of the body a new name given to the anointee and reception of the Mormon garments to be worn under the clothes. Members adhere to health-centered rules that include no drinking alcohol and no smoking. Prior to the wedding ceremony called a sealing in the Mormon culture my wife and I sat together quietly in the temples celestial room.
Prior to the wedding ceremony called a sealing in the Mormon culture my wife and I sat together quietly in the temples celestial room.
Mormon weddings are generally quite strict as far as tradition and respect goes. What type of wedding it is. Prior to the wedding ceremony called a sealing in the Mormon culture my wife and I sat together quietly in the temples celestial room. Ms Laake is now an ex-Mormon living in Phoenix Arizona and the author of a book in which she breaks the most sacred of the churchs vows by revealing the marriage rites at the core of the faith.